The establishments are all lying to us. We have been hoodwinked and duped by scientific masks of corruption. The modern digital age has been dumped on us all. And what evidence is there, to say it is any good? We are also being decieved by The Royal Family and politicians. They tell us all to Keep Calm. Why should we keep calm in an age of severe austerity? Even the disabled are having their freedoms removed from them. The DWP and Job Centre Plus have spies, that seem to be secretly watching us one by one. They study whatever we buy, or spend our dole on. Yet even when the disabled are doing, what the establishments request. They're still having their benefits removed, without permission. Even the medical assessments of ATOS are futile. They turn away, whilst typing false information about us. We are indeed, living in an age of misinformation. We have all been lied to by the establishments.
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