Friday, 15 June 2012


I've just read a wonderful piece on Yahoo News. About a school girl that was banned for taking photos, of her school lunch.  Can you believe that?  How mad does the system have to become, before we all get wise to its lunacy.  I for one, hate this kind of oppression of our freedoms.  This is trully censorship gone doolally.  Even though this isn't something Gothic.  I trully believe that bureaucracy has become its own nightmare.  It now fears The People.  Why should children not take images of their dinners?  We're already not allowed to take photos in a swimming pool. 

I cannot understand all these grey haired cretins, from the land of politics.  I'm convinced they have a bad form of Inferiority Complex Syndome.  Their stupid laws or plans do not work.  They do not work out their unconstructive plans.  It seems great, when they first make their plans upon a piece of paper.  But when it is put into action.  It goes wrong.  Do we necessarily need bureaucracy, from long-winded hypocritical charlatans? 

My sister and I constantly get put down, by all these so-called people of power.  They use and abuse their positions, to look down their pompous noses at us all.  It's not very nice, when you're on the recieving end of their jibes, or put-downs.  IT IS VERBAL ABUSE OF THE UNEMPLOYED!  No-one deserves to be spoken to, in a bullying manner.  But those that have jobs, seem to look down on us unemployed folk.  It's not help they are giving us.  They are treating us in such a fowl manner.  They can get away with it too.  There needs to be much greater laws, to protect those that cannot find work.  The staff at Job Centres up and down the country, are paid to help us fit into a working environment.  Not bully the life out of us, until we have Mental Health Breakdowns again.

It isn't just a new law that needs to be put into effect.  There needs to be safer protections, for the likes of the unemployable few.  I don't go to the Job Centre Plus, to be abused.  I do not go to a training  session, to be verbally or sexually abused either. If I'm lagging behind in a session.  Other people should have a little more respect, and understanding for me.  Please visit this site  Please support our humanitarian needs in The UK. 

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