Not too sure what I really think about many charities today. I think they are a secret haven, for the greedy to prosper from. Far too many fools are constantly suckered, into parting with their money. Without even realising it, they are paying for someone to cream off a large amount/percentage of the earnings. For every £1 you give to charity. Only a few pence goes to the real cause. There is administration costs. And The Government takes a larger slice of tax out of that. But now, they have made it much easier to give more. Why not donate through banks and building societies? The whole system is always open to greedy coruption.
Then there are buildings that won't stay up very long. New Leisure Centres, where the roof collapses. Or parts of newer modern buildings fall off the structures. The London 2012 Olympics is a good design. Just think of all that steel and concrete, falling onto many human beings. They once said that The Titanic was unsinkable. Until it hit an iceberg. What a waste of money. I really cannot see the point in grand designs, of the modern age. A lot of these buildings just seem to fall down immediatley, upon compleation. I wish political establishments would stop being so greedy. Then there would be enough money, for everyone to live well for less. Even Sainsbury's has it all wrong. They charge far too much excessive amounts. For much of the food we depend upon, to eat and survive today.
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